Adaptive / Inclusive Rowing
Freedom, Fitness and Wellbeing
Freedom, Fitness and Wellbeing
GRC Adaptive Squad
Adaptive rowing adapts equipment and coaching techniques to allow almost anyone to take part in rowing. For some this might lead to high level competition at international level, for the majority it will mean a pleasurable row on the river under their own control. For
those that are visually impaired or have a disability that might make rowing in a single scull difficult or inadvisable, we have two-seat “double sculls” that allow one of the coaches to steer or row back to the club if the other occupant requires a rest. For those that are physically capable or adventurous we have access to other boats in the club, with one, two
or four seats.
At Guildford Rowing Club we have experience of a broad range of disabilities including Multiple Sclerosis, Long COVID, amputees, arthritis, learning disabilities and visual
impairment. If you are not disabled and feel you wouldn’t “fit” into a regular squad please get in touch.
Currently we run an adult water session on Friday mornings with numbers dependent on support volunteers. We hold a junior session (ages 12 to 18) on Sunday morning in parallel with one of the other junior squads, where parents provide valuable assistance
either on the river tow path or back at the club. When the river is not usable (i.e. fast flowing &/or in flood) we use indoor rowing machines, also known as ergometers or “ergos” for short.
Volunteer coaches and coaching assistants are essential for such activity.
For safety reasons an almost one-to-one ratio between rowers and volunteers is required. If you would like to volunteer, coaches need to have good rowing experience, assistants need to
be comfortable around water and be fit enough to help lift boats and provide safety cover from the bank, which requires running or cycling 5 to 7 km during a session.
Your reward is seeing people appreciate your help in allowing them to row.