Junior Squad

Excellence without pressure

Excellence without pressure

GRC Junior Squad

Welcome to our vibrant junior squad!

We are 140 young rowers aged 12 to 18 across three friendly and dynamic junior squads: Novice, Development and Performance.

The emphasis is firmly on fun and fitness – and building an excellent technique.

We get outstanding instruction from our large, highly experienced and dedicated coaching team.

In addition to weekend training sessions on the River Wey, there’s a weekday fitness building programme off the water, including hardcore spinning sessions at Surrey Sports Park!

If you’re interested in racing, we punch well above our weight…

Crews regularly bring home medals and silverware from national competitions (including the prestigious National Schools Regatta) as well as a wide range of local events.

In 2022 our brilliant under 14 boys crew won gold or silver medals in all five national level competitions and were shortlisted for Junior Crew of the Year by British Rowing.

It’s never too late to start: new joiners start each September before graduating seamlessly into our main junior training schedule.

It’s our mission to help young people discover and enjoy this exhilarating and rewarding sport, so we strive to make membership as accessible and affordable as possible.

As you would expect, our members’ safety and welfare is paramount and we love parents being involved.

And this is just the beginning! We are so proud to follow the exciting rowing journeys of so many of our junior squad alumnae, including places in the Boat Race crews, [national, World and Olympic success].

Above all, it’s a great squad for you to start a lifelong love of this wonderful sport – as much as making firm friendships with members from all around Guildford and beyond.


Adaptive Squad

Junior Squad

Men's Squad

Women's Squad