Men's Squad
Get on the river
Guildford Rowing ClubMen’s Squad
Guildford Rowing Club Men’s Squad is an active section that welcomes recreational and competitive oarsmen alike.
Our members range from their early 20’s into their late 60’s, some racing regularly and others paddling at leisure on the Wey.
Members row and scull in 4s, doubles and singles with additional outings in the 8 up on the Thames. The main water sessions are on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with additional training on the water in the evenings or early mornings during the summer months.
In addition, racing crews undertake land training, mainly on concept 2 rowing machines.
Crews compete in many events throughout the year and top crews row at Henley Masters, Master National Championships and the various Tideway head of the rivers, as well as many local heads and regattas. Training is also undertaken on longer stretches of water either on the Thames or at Eton Dorney to supplement the time on the River Wey.
We are a friendly squad that all enjoy rowing and the social side of the club. We believe that we can compete with the top clubs and yet offer an inclusive and enjoyable atmosphere. Although we welcome new experienced rower members, due to the size of the existing squad we are not able to accept all applications due to the large number of interested parties. However we do try to see if we can find a space for as many as we can particularly where there is an existing gap in a crew.
We have an international profile, with crews competing in the European Championships in Munich and in Seville.